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Unlock Your Potential: Career Coaching Services

In today's competitive job market, crafting a compelling résumé and developing a strong career strategy are essential for success. As an experienced Executive Coach with a background in PR and HR, I understand the challenges you face in navigating your career path. While I am passionate about helping individuals like yourself achieve their professional goals, my current full-time commitment to Thunderbird School of Global Management as a Senior Career Coach limits my availability for one-on-one consultations.

To ensure that I can provide the highest quality of service and dedicate the necessary time to each individual, I have set my consulting fee at $300 per hour. During our session, we will dive deep into your career aspirations, discuss strategies to overcome obstacles, and develop a personalized action plan. Following our meeting, I will provide you with written advice and recommendations to guide you forward.

If you would like to schedule a session, please book directly on my calendar. While my expertise lies in helping individuals pursue expatriate dreams and work outside their home country, I am happy to work with professionals from all backgrounds and industries.

Please note that while I am available to review your résumé and provide suggested rewrites, I do not offer formatting services for final documents. With countless résumé templates available online, I encourage you to explore these resources to find a format that best showcases your skills and experience.

Comprehensive Coaching to Elevate Your Career

In addition to résumé reviews, I offer a wide range of career coaching services, which are:

  • Résumé review and suggested rewrites

  • LinkedIn profile review and optimization

  • Cover letter preparation

  • Mock interviews and interview preparation

  • Professional bio writing

  • Networking strategies and resources

  • Interview follow-up techniques

  • Offer negotiation guidance

  • Checklists for targeting overseas job searches

  • Personal branding tips to help you stand out in your industry

  • Etiquette best practices for professional interactions and communication

  • And much more

Investing in your career is one of the most important decisions you can make. If you're ready to take your professional journey to the next level, I'm here to support you every step of the way. Book your session today, and let's work together to unlock your full potential.

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Unlock Global Career Success: Subscribe to "Passport to Success"

To stay informed about the latest career tips and strategies, especially for those seeking international assignments, I invite you to subscribe to my newsletter, "Passport to Success." By signing up, you'll receive valuable insights and advice delivered directly to your inbox.

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